Monday, during an interview that aired on Hugh Hewitt’s nationally syndicated radio show, Gov. Larry Hogan (R-MD) offered no answer when asked about his choice for president in 2020.

Hogan, a sometimes critic of President Donald Trump, acknowledged he did not vote for Trump in 2016 but said his 2020 choice was still yet to be determined.

Partial transcript as follows:

HEWITT: Governor, first quick question. Are you going to vote for President Trump in November?

HOGAN: Well, you know what? Like everybody else, I get to go into the voting booth and pull the lever for the person that I think is going to do the best job. And we’re going to figure that out in the next 100 days.

HEWITT: Is there doubt in your mind?

HOGAN: You know, I’m going to try to make that decision like everybody else in America. I think we’ve got a long way to go. And I think right now, if the election were held today, the President would be in real trouble. But he’s certainly got time to turn things around. And I’m hoping that he’s able to get some of these things taken care of.

HEWITT: Now I’m going to spend a little more time on this, because you surprised me. You know, every Republican governor out there, I expect to say I’m with the ticket. Now you’ve been a Reagan conservative since ’76. You’re not going to vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden? That’s not easy to answer?

HOGAN: Well, no, I mean, there’s, there are other choices. I didn’t make that choice between Hillary and Donald Trump the first time. I did a write-in for my dad, who I had a lot of respect for and who we could probably touch on with your Nixon background there. But you know, it’s, it’s not a black or white decision.

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