Thursday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) accused Republicans lawmakers of not giving a damn about minorities.

Host Jim Cramer said, “Why can’t you go across the aisle and say, ‘Representative Lewis, civil rights legend, would have loved it if we could do something for the totally disenfranchised in the country. No matter what. Can we give — can we give a huge chunk of money to the people who are disenfranchised, to minorities who want so badly to stay in business and can’t, and to people who are trying to go to college or have student loans, who are minorities, who are the most affected because they had the least chance in our country?’ That’s got to be something both sides can agree to.”

Pelosi said, “Perhaps you mistook them for somebody who gives a damn for what you just described. That is the problem. See, they don’t believe in governance. They don’t believe in governance. That requires some acts of government to do that. But just what you describe is what Mr. Schumer, Chuck Schumer, is proposing that we do with some of the resources in the bill. You described Chuck Schumer’s proposal exactly.”

She added, “If we are going to juggle this money lets focus it where it is going to do the most good. And basically, economists tell us spend the money, invest the money for those who need it the most because they will spend it and it will be a stimulus or at least a stabilization.”

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