Thursday, during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin urged viewers to vote for President Donald Trump next week and protect certain American institutions.

Among those were the Supreme Court, the rules and composition of the U.S. Senate and the Electoral College.

Transcript as follows:

LEVIN: First of all, as I’m listening to you and watching a program, thinking to myself, you know, when my father was 17, he enlisted in the United States Air Corps right after the attack on Pearl Harbor. My grandfather, my mother’s father, he enlisted in the Marines. He was 34.

My grandfather trained with about 110 men. Five of them lived, including him. He fought at Iwo Jima in Guam. I’m going to tell you what my father, who recently passed, and my grandfather would tell me — you fight like hell to get this Donald Trump elected. You fight like to defend this Constitution, you fight like hell to pass on this Republican to your kids and grandkids, the way that we passed on to you. And that’s what I’m going to do and that’s what I want my fellow Americans to do.

Now, let me be very clear about something. The Supreme Court does not belong to Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, the Democrat Party. Keep your damn hands off the Supreme Court. That belongs to the American people.

They were talking about packing the Supreme Court long before Donald Trump even knew who Amy Coney Barrett was. So, they are using that as an excuse.

Keep your damn hands off the United States Senate. They’ve been talking about the Senate with D.C. and Puerto Rico for years and years. Now they think they have an opportunity.

Keep your damn hands off the Electoral College. They want to get rid of it, so all of us who live in red states, all of us who live in states that people want to live in, are disenfranchised, because they only want the blue states and the blue cities.

Keep your hands off the damn filibuster that’s been in existence for 200 years to protect us from the mob. That’s exactly why it’s there.

These same Democrats have attacked the Bill of Rights. They’ve made an effort to amend the First Amendment of the Constitution because they don’t believe in free speech.

And Kamala Harris has talked about using executive orders to eliminate the Second Amendment. They have gone after religious liberty. They have gone after freedom of the press.

That’s who these people are. This is a party that’s tyrannical, and this party, the Democrat Party — listen to me — they want to take over the federal government. They want to take over the Supreme Court. Take over Congress, take over the voting system.

That’s exactly what they did in California.

In other words, you and I will be swearing allegiance to the Democrat Party, not the United States of America. It’s one thing to operate within the boundaries of the Constitution, to fight and play fair.

They don’t believe in that. They want to destroy the founders of the Constitution, which they hate anyway with their 1619 Project.

I have a question for those people who are thinking about voting for Joe Biden. What the hell has Joe Biden done in 47 years? What does he have to show for it?

He never fixed anything. He never led anything. He never said anything memorable. He never accomplished a damn thing.

Now they want to destroy the energy sector, who does that help Americans? Does it help Americans? They’re going to drive up the cost of air conditioning, drive up the cost of heating, drive up the cost of electricity, drive the cost of everything including running your automobile.

Do you know who that helps? Communist China and fascistic Russia. They sit back and they say, these damn fools are going to destroy their energy system. We don’t have to lay a finger on them.

What else to they want to destroy? Well, they want to destroy our ability to do what? Our economic system, the most powerful economic system on the face of the Earth. They think this is great. They think it’s hilarious.

Massive tax increases. Joe Biden wants to increase personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, capital gains taxes, increase or reduce the lid on the heritage tax, the inheritance tax. They are going to make us uncompetitive.

Joe Biden says, oh, they’re not going to eat our lunch. They will if Joe Biden is president of the United States.

Let me tell you what’s on the ballot come America. This — the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States. Or this crap, 110- page Sanders-Biden-AOC manifesto. This 110-page document will replace these documents.

Do you know it’s in here? Every aspect of your life, your lifestyle, your family, your community, your neighborhood is going to be micromanage by these crackpots on the left. And if they get power, the courts, the Congress, the voting system, legislative system, they’re not going to surrender. We will never get it back.

So I ask you this. My father, my grandfather, so many of your ancestors and parents and grandparents, they signed up to fight for liberty and the Constitution and fight against socialism and Marxism and the destruction of our Constitution and our flag and our national anthem.

What are you going to do about it, America? You need to show up. You need to vote. You need to bring five or ten people with you. Vote for the man who loves this country and is going to stand up for us, and who we need to back.

And that’s simple. That’s Donald Trump. There is no issue. That’s it.

Tuesday, we all meet and will meet in huge wave and we surprise everybody. That’s it.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor