While lawmakers on Capitol Hill were hammering out a deal on COVID-19 relief before Congress recessed for Christmas, Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) took to the airwaves to offer an update on the progress being made.

The Wyoming Republican said such a deal would have been done, and Congress would not be in this situation if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had not used a relief package to score political points headed into last month’s presidential election.

“Chris, we should have done this months ago had not Nancy Pelosi play politics through the fall because of the presidential election,” Barrasso said. “She’s admitted as much. We’ve had a bill pretty comparable to what we’re going to pass today, and we’ve offered it by Republicans time and time again. The Democrats beat it down 40 different times. This has been wrong. The delay has been too long. We need to get it done now for Christmas.”

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