Wednesday, Rep.-elect Victoria Spartz (R-IN) criticized socialism as it has become more and more embraced in the United States.

Spartz, who was born in the Ukraine under Soviet Union rule, noted on FNC’s “Fox & Friends” that socialism was built on “violence” and “bloodshed.” She emphasized how socialism has “never brought anything good to any country,” which is why it should be rejected.

“The socialist system was based on violence, bloodshed and a lot of aggression and led to a lot of poverty. So, I think it’s important for us to look at the history and look at, you know, where people of common sense, reason and ideas and see what experiment of socialism ever brought. It never brought anything good to any country. So, we have to be very careful and have that debate.”

Spartz said the younger generation embraces socialism because they have been sold and “brainwashed” on “utopic ideas.”

She added, “Socialists tried to sell these utopic ideas because they never work but they are easy to sell with empty promises. And it’s a big difference what the system brings. We’re a system where the rule of law and rule of market forces versus a system where, you know, political elites and government rules us and in the end makes us all equally poor. You know, it’s sad — the system where you have political elites on top and everyone else is equally poor. But young people, a lot of people, are misguided and have really been brainwashed. And intellectual elites — they have been working very hard in the last century and working hard in this century. But it’s important to have this debate. It’s important for … civilization to understand that the level of prosperity that was brought here in our country and to all … done by markets and free enterprise and freedoms — not by government.”

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