Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) Monday on MSNBC’s “Live” said he is launching a political action committee (PAC) to challenge leadership in the Republican Party still aligned with the former president Donald Trump because the GOP has to stop “trying to appeal more to the Proud Boys than to suburban moms.”

Kinzinger said, “We have peddled for too long in just darkness and division, and it has just created an untenable situation like we have all seen.”

He continued, “We just have to look at where the Republican Party has come from. The party that freed the slaves, the party that fought for women’s suffrage, the party that took down communism and had really a clear-eyed view of the future of the country and about what conservatism can do about giving opportunity to a kid born in the inner city same as a kid born in the suburbs. The problem is lately, all we have been talking about is darkness and division, and you know, trying to appeal more to the Proud Boys than to suburban moms. That is a big problem, president, not just because of the health of the party. The health of the party in my mind is secondary to the health of the country because the health of the country has suffered. We need two solid functional parties to have real debates.”

On his PAC, Kinzinger said, “It’s presenting that alternative to say we’re a GOP that is not about Trump first. It’s about country first. Real basic stuff that has been lost in the malaise of the last few years.”

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