CNN anchor Jake Tapper said moments after the Senate impeachment trial recessed on Wednesday during his network’s coverage that the U.S. Capitol’s riot on January 6 will be “Donald Trump’s legacy” and not holding him accountable will be the Republican Party’s legacy.

Tapper said, “It was absolutely horrifying, chilling video that really gave the feeling for what it must have been like to be in the Capitol on that day.”

He continued, “The kind of terrorist attack that we don’t really often see this much video from. I have to say…that when I look at this video, after the buildup of months, months, and months that we covered and then the video from that day of Trump telling his supporters to go down there and then they did what they did, I have to say, in all likelihood, this will be Donald Trump’s legacy. This will be what he is remembered for. Hundreds of years from now. Some presidents aren’t even remembered for things. This is what will be Donald Trump is remembered for. And the fact that there are going to be dozens of Republican senators who, in all likelihood, vote to not hold Trump accountable for this, is just stunning to me. And that will be their legacies.”

He added, “House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Hawley, they had a role in this, too. And it is absolutely infuriating to watch this video and see our leaders, including then-Vice President Mike Pence, running for their lives. Here he is in security footage. Mike Pence and his family — his family. There he is, right there, looking back. Being escorted out of the Capitol, where he was abiding by his constitutional duties, presiding over the counting of the electoral votes, being escorted out so that they didn’t kill him, which is what the MAGA mob said they wanted to do. They said they wanted to kill him.”

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