On his Thursday broadcast, CNN anchor Don Lemon said that Republicans were “trying to whitewash racism” by blocking school kids from being taught about the history of racism.

Lemon said, “Trump spawned deadly violence at the Capitol, and Republicans are trying to whitewash it just like they are, still, trying to whitewash racism in America’s past. Trying to block teaching America’s school kids about the history of racism in this country and the impact on our country. Railing against it, calling it anti-American.”

In a video, Trump said, “The Biden administration has, also, issued regulations to indoctrinate America’s schoolchildren with poisonous and divisive left-wing doctrines such as critical race theory and the exact opposite of the American belief that we all are created equal in the holy image of God.”

Lemon said, “Let’s just be clear about this, critical race theory, that term, right? That is the new boogieman for the right. There’s always got to be a boogieman. First, it was, um, ACORN, remember that, for a while? Acorn. Then it was The New Black Panthers, The New Black Panthers. And then, it was, oh, Antifa, Antifa, Antifa. It’s always some boogieman, whether it’s Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, whatever it’s got to be a boogieman. So now, critical race theory is the new boogieman. Don’t fall for the okey-doke. It is so transparent, but people do fall for it, as we know since there was an insurrection on Capitol Hill from people who were co-opted by the big lie. So, now, critical race theory is the big lie.”

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