Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) continued to rail against National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Paul said Fauci was “the opposite of what you really want as far as someone leading your public health effort.” He pointed to Fauci “routinely” ignoring science, causing hysteria and creating fear.

“I think Dr. Fauci routinely ignores the science and causes hysteria and creates fear. This is the opposite of what you really want as far as someone leading your public health effort,” Paul emphasized. “The Omicron variant, the doctor who discovered it, we should be proud of her in South Africa as she dutifully reported it, discovered it was a new variant, and she wrote an op-ed yesterday as well. In the op-ed, she said that so far no one has been hospitalized in South Africa, so far no one has died from this disease, and that it is an hysterical overreach to ban travel.”

He continued, “We’re also banning travel after we now have found this in over 20 states in our country. It is in 40 different countries. So, you are banning travel, which will destroy economically tourism and travel and have great hardship for the world, but you are doing it for something that’s not scientifically sound. It is not going to do anything to stop the spread of the variant. The variant is already out there. We also don’t know yet whether it be more deadly or less deadly. The initial reports, what we know so far, is it looks like it will be less deadly. We’ll know more in about two weeks, but that’s when I think we might want to make some decisions after we know the facts rather than before.”

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