Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Thursday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that “Trump allies” should realize Jesus did not say “use conspiracy as long as you could take power.”

Blitzer said, “Before I let you go, I know you know this about a group of more than 40 conservatives and Trump allies who have written a letter calling for you and Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney to be removed from the House GOP caucus. You both have taken great personal risk to investigate the January 6 attacks. So what is keeping you going amid this onslaught you’re getting from members of your own party?”

Kinzinger said, “Well, it is fighting for the soul of a party that is going to be around for a while. I find it ironic that people like Tony Perkins signed that, with these Family Research Councils or whatever. By the way, there is, as a Christian myself, I’ve never seen anywhere in the Bible the words of Jesus say things like use conspiracy as long as you could take power. In fact, he very much eschewed getting involved in government issues. And now, instead, we see folks trying to remove Liz and I for telling the truth. I think it shows way more about them than us. I’m amused by it but also saddened at the same time by the state of the party.”

Blitzer said, “It is pretty awful when you think about what is going on right now.”

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