Former President Donald Trump said on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that he never mistakenly called Vice President Mike Pence the president when asked about President Joe Biden’s gaffe.

President Biden accidentally referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “President Harris” several times at the South Carolina State University commencement ceremony.

Bartiromo asked, “He called Kamala Harris president again. Do you think someone else is directing him?”

Trump replied, “Well, I never called Mike Pence president. I’ll tell you. I can’t imagine what’s going on. It’s hard to believe.”

Bartiromo asked, “Who’s running the country?”

Referencing a reporter asking Biden about family members separated at the U.S. Mexico border potentially getting money from the government, Trump said, “Well, think of it, it was so obvious in this case because 450,000, he was incensed. He was very upset by that question, asked by a very good reporter, actually. But he was very angry at that question. Like, how dare you, what a stupid question. Of course, the next morning, he was saying how, yeah, this is something that we think is excellent. That really means in the truest sense that he is not running the country because there’s no way you go from indignation to, ‘Oh, that’s wonderful.'”

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