Thursday on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) pledged to uphold his constitutional duty as a U.S. Senator in vetting President Joe Biden’s selection of a nominee to fill the vacancy soon to be left by Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, who announced his retirement from the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week.

“Here’s what I’m going to do,” he said. “I’m going to do my duty, which is I swear to uphold the Constitution, and I’m going to ask whomever Joe Biden sends up to the committee, I’m going to see if they are a pro-constitution judge actually believe in the Constitution and are willing to follow it that ought to be the litmus test, not race, not religion, not gender, not anything else. But are you willing to follow the Constitution of the United States?”

“And you know, can I just say something about Joe Biden and his reported deal as to this nominee, it just shows I think that Joe Biden is willing to do anything for power, you know, he didn’t hesitate to leave the mob against Clarence Thomas, an African-American man when it suited him,” Hawley continued. “But now when he wants power for something else, the whole different song, it doesn’t matter to Joe Biden, it’s just what’s good for him in the moment. And that’s the opposite of what it should be. It should be about principle should be about the Constitution.”

Hawley said it was his hope Biden would consider a jurist that would be pro-Constitution in his selection.

“I don’t think I have voted yet, Jesse, for any of his judicial nominees, I don’t think, and the reason is, so far, the people he has sent up to the Hill have been left-wing activists, they haven’t been pro-constitution judges,” he added. “So I hope this is a moment of truth for him. I hope he’ll change course and actually unite somebody who believes what all Americans believe in the Constitution. We’ll see.”

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