On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) said that the decline in President Joe Biden’s numbers among African American voters is due to “a lot of the misinformation that’s out there.”

Clyburn stated, [relevant remarks begin around 2:35] “I think the president needs to keep pressing forward. He is doing what’s right for the country. You’ve heard me say this before, I think, I’m a Truman guy. Truman did what was right for the country, and I saw what it did to his numbers. Now, people look back on Truman and say he is one of the best presidents we ever had. What [were] his numbers like because he integrated the armed services? People didn’t like it. Strom Thurmond stormed out of the party, started the States’ Rights Party. Truman’s numbers went way down. Truman pushed for integration, his numbers went way down. That — we know what’s happening here. If you look at the fact that the president’s numbers have fallen among African Americans, about 20, 25 points, it’s because [of] a lot of the misinformation that’s out there. If we do a good job of telling the people what it is that this president has done and is doing, his numbers would be better. But he needs to keep pressing forward, doing exactly what he’s doing. Because what he’s doing is what the country needs done. It may not be popular with everybody.”

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