Thursday, during an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) echoed the sentiments of many of his Republican colleagues regarding Russian oil and gas.

The Arkansas Republican lawmaker called on the Biden administration to ban oil and gas imports from Russia.

“Yes, Laura, the Democrats are blind ideologues when it comes to oil and gas,” Cotton said. “I’m glad that Nancy Pelosi has finally come around to what I’ve been saying for weeks with so many Republicans say that we should ban the import of Russian oil and gas, we should not be sending tens of millions of dollars to Vladimir Putin’s war machine. Yet she wouldn’t replace it with American oil and gas, which would, of course, just mean higher prices at the pump for Americans.”

“Or you have Pete Buttigieg’s proposal, which is to ban Russian oil and gas and replace it with Iranian oil and gas, so send billions of dollars to the ayatollahs who chant Death to America,” he added. “That’s just how ideologically opposed they are to American energy. And it also raises another point, Laura, at a time when we’re isolating Vladimir Putin in every way, Joe Biden is personally relying on Vladimir Putin to negotiate a bad nuclear deal with the Iranians.”

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