Friday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) accused the Biden administration of trying to “cover things up” when it comes to their handling of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

According to Mast, the White House attempted to do a “garbage dump” by having Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testifying on Capitol Hill at the same time it announced its “Disinformation Governance Board.”

The Florida congressman called into question Blinken’s testimony, which he said showed the United States was “not in the driver’s seat” when it comes to sanctioning Russia.

“We had Secretary Blinken come before the Foreign Affairs Committee, and I think this shows that the administration was really trying to do a garbage dump on Capitol Hill because they also sent Mayorkas and the CDC, and they did the Disinformation Governance Board all in one day,” Mast outlined. “They are just trying to overwhelm and cover things up.”

“But Blinken specifically — he came to Capitol Hill and gave basically no answers to Republicans or Democrats,” he added. “And even at one point as he was speaking to me went so far as to say that the Ukraine would be making decisions about U.S. sanctions, U.S. commerce and what we choose to regain with Russia — basically saying the United States of America, who Ukraine is coming to for assistance, we are not in the driver’s seat, we are not determining red lines, we are not even determining our own commerce. That’s all going to be figured out by another nation over in Europe. That’s not the United States of America.”

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