On Tuesday, Fox News Channel’s Mark Levin reacted to the leak of the Supreme Court’s draft opinion overturning the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling.

According to Levin, the “unethical” leak of the opinion is part of an attack on U.S. institutions by the Democratic Party. He argued Democrats now pushing to end the filibuster to have their way was a “war on our system of government.”

“It’s unethical,” Levin told “Fox & Friends.” “If they are a member of the Bar, they will be disbarred. But they won’t care because that calculation was already made. Again, they are going to be viewed by the left, by the Pelosis and Schumers, not as destroying an institution but as making it incredibly difficult for justices to work with each other, and they’re going to have to change processes now there when it comes to the law clerks and others. They are going to be heralded on the left.”

He continued, “If you watch these other networks, and you watch these senators, these Democrat senators coming up, they’re attacking Alito, you saw what Pelosi and Schumer said about the justices — they lied, and so forth and so on, and again, what Sanders and the other radicals want to do now is destroy the Senate. These people do not care about our institutions. This is a different breed now of Democrat. These are most are, as I have said, American Marxists. They are attacking the foundation of the country. They are not arguing within the box. They are not fighting within the box. They are destroying the box. And the Democrat Party is taking the lead on this. They are not all that upset about the leak. In fact, I think they think it’s a wonderful thing.”

Levin went on to say the leaker should be punished and that someone needed to speak out on the “war against our court by the Democrats.”

“[T]hey need to find out who did this,” Levin advised. “They need to punish the person. And somebody needs to say something much more substantive and effective about the war against our court by the Democrats — Republicans aren’t committing any attacks on the Supreme Court — and also the war against our history, the war against our institutions. There is one party doing this. … The media are fully involved in it.”

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