Friday on CBS’s “Mornings,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) weighed in on the leaked Supreme Court’s draft opinion overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling and ripple effects should that be the case.

“This is a kind of invasion that if the Supreme Court has its way here, and we don’t fight back at the federal level, could touch the lives of every one of us,” Warren warned of overturning the ruling.

Warren was asked if there should be any limits on abortions, which she danced around answering by just saying that the state should not be able to “intervene with its heavy hand and make the decision” for pregnant women.

Co-host Nate Burleson asked the Massachusetts senator, “[Y]ou believe in a woman’s choice no matter how difficult the decision, but there is a question — should there be any limits on abortions?”

“You know, I’m going to put it this way — I think that the woman who is most affected should be at the heart of this,” Warren replied. “I think that she should be able to call on her partner, her mother, priest, her rabbi. She should be able to bring the people she needs. But in a pregnancy, I don’t believe that it is the state that should intervene with its heavy hand and make the decision.”

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