On Friday’s broadcast of C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal,” Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) said that the House’s version of the Women’s Health Protection Act, which she sponsored and which passed the House in 2021 “was actually the most pro-abortion bill passed in Congress in history.”

Chu stated, “I wish that we could look at the fundamentals of it, which is that a woman should have the ability to determine her future. And she should do it with the best medical advice possible. That’s why so many people support the Women’s Health Protection Act. And actually, talking about polls, the majority of Americans also support this bill. They support the Women’s Health Protection Act and think that there should be legislation that will put this into law, that will enshrine the protections of Roe v. Wade into law. And the president issued a statement in strong support of this. I want to tell all of you that the House passed this bill last September by 218-211. It was actually the most pro-abortion bill passed in Congress in history. And also, on Wednesday, the president issued a very strong statement in support of this. So, the House supports it. The president supports it. We are waiting for the Senate to pass this, and then this can indeed become a statute that enshrines the protections of Roe into law.”

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