On Friday, MSNBC co-host Willie Geist pushed back against the notion that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was the sole cause of the record-high gas prices.

While speaking with White House National Economic Council Director Brian Deese, Geist said that the American people weren’t saying “Damn you, Putin” while filling up their vehicles.

“Brian, it’s true, of course, that Russia’s war in Ukraine is impacting oil prices, yes, but I promise you, the landscaper two guys ago I talked to at the gas pump who was trying to fill up two cans and backpack blowers and mowers in his truck was not going, ‘Damn you, Putin!'” Geist told Deese. “So, what do you say to him? What do you say to families who can’t afford all their groceries right now?”

“It is hitting families hard, and we get that. We really get that,” Deese replied. “That’s point number one. Point number two — it doesn’t make people feel any better but is important in diagnosing the problem here. And the problem is that the price of gas at the pump is now up about $1.70 since Putin began amassing troops at the border. That is the impact of war. It is not fun; nobody likes it, but we have to stand against that aggression.”

“[T]he real issue is what can we do to blunt those increases and what can we do to get relief to families?” he continued. “And the thing that I would say to them is you have a president who is focused on saying how can I blunt the increase in gas prices? How can I blunt the increase in oil prices but also how can I bring down the other costs that they’re looking at when they’re trying to figure out their monthly budget?”

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