Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “The Faulkner Focus,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) slammed President Joe Biden’s proposed gas tax holiday to help with the process at the pump.

Lee argued that a gas tax was “part of a shameless and feckless cover-up operation.” He advised that the need for the tax holiday was a “predictable, foreseeable and, in fact, intended result of President Biden’s energy policies.”

“This is part of a shameless and feckless cover-up operation,” Lee declared. “Look, this is a predictable, foreseeable and, in fact, intended result of President Biden’s energy policies, which have as their intended outcome driving up costs of fossil fuels, safe, affordable, reliable and in America plentiful fossil fuels to transition into other foreign-made sources of energy that can’t easily be transferred into automobiles.”

“This is a big problem,” he added. “So, he is wanting us to cover that up by shifting around some tax revenue. It’s … a drop in the bucket; wouldn’t really offer meaningful relief. As one of my colleagues just noted, 6% of the increase in the price of fuel is represented by the 18.4% federal gas tax. This is a disaster all the way around, and he wants us to cover it up.”

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