During an interview on MSNBC on Friday, U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) stated that the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade and allowing state legislatures and the federal government to pass whatever laws they want on abortion was the “absolute largest governmental overreach in the history of our lifetime.”

He also criticized the abortion law in Ohio by stating, “I thought we were in a free society here, and I thought women had rights and they were free like everybody else, but evidently, they’re not.”

NBC News correspondent Ken Dilanian asked, “Congressman, what’s your reaction to this decision today?”

Ryan responded, “Absolute largest governmental overreach in the history of our lifetime. We’re a country of expanding rights. Now we’re — with this Supreme Court, we’re taking rights away. This is government-mandated pregnancy. I mean, when you — if you’re going to defer to the Ohio law, then the Ohio law says that if you get pregnant through rape, incest, you must bring that baby to term. And so, I thought we were in a free society here, and I thought women had rights and they were free like everybody else, but evidently, they’re not.”

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