During an interview with ABC’s “Start Here” podcast released on Monday, Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge (R) argued companies vowing to provide stipends for their employees to have abortions should use those funds to promote adoption.

Rutledge stated, [relevant remarks begin around 15:20] that there will be discussions in different states about the legality of traveling across state lines to obtain an abortion, and that “I think that we need to have a lot more data in place. We don’t want to encourage people. And I’ve seen companies talking about that they will pay employees or provide stipends to employees, [sporting goods] companies. I think to myself, I will never go to that sporting goods store again. Because that is the sort of — we are at a record high inflation, we [have] so many challenges, and here we are, providing stipends for women to go get an abortion as opposed to allowing them the opportunity to perhaps pay for someone to adopt that child. Why not allow that woman to carry that child to term and there are so many families out there that are looking to adopt, why don’t we put those sort of funds toward adoption and to give that life the chance to live?”

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