Tuesday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) echoed Rep. Ronny Jackson’s (R-TX) sentiment that President Joe Biden has been “blaming everybody but himself” for the record-high inflation.

With Biden looking at ending tariffs on China to help inflation, Cotton said the president needed to “look in the mirror at the White House if he wants to find the problem and perhaps the solution” for the high prices around the country.

“Brian, this is just another example of Joe Biden blaming inflation on anyone but himself,” Cotton emphasized. “We have had these tariffs in place for three or even four years, and we didn’t have inflation when it started. Similarly, you know, he keeps blaming Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine for inflation, but we had inflation well before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. The problem here is Joe Biden’s policies and especially his energy policy because the price of gasoline and electricity drives the cost of everything else. Whether you buy it at a grocery store or Walmart or anywhere else, it took energy to make it. It took gas to drive it there. It takes energy and electricity to keep it there.”

“So, if we would unlock the American oil and gas and coal sector and allow them to produce the energy we need, that would bring down the prices of everything,” he continued. “But what does Joe Biden do? He would rather go to Iran and Venezuela and beg them to produce more than go to North Dakota or Texas. Joe Biden needs to look in the mirror at the White House if he wants to find the problem and perhaps the solution for inflation.”

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