Tuesday, during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s “American Agenda,” former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) warned the country was worse off than it had been in some of the most challenging economic times in its history, including the Great Depression of the last century.

Paul decried the economic policies of inflating the money supply and the U.S. debt as the causes.

“[T]he founders understood exactly what we’re talking about,” he said. “They had the runaway inflation with the Continental Dollar. So they put in the Constitution that only gold and silver could be legal tender. And if we had followed that, we wouldn’t have had the welfare-warfare state with these huge deficits and what we’re facing because I think what we’re facing today is a lot worse than what we’ve had in the past, whether it was the Depression or whether it was the downturns we’ve had in recent years.”

“I think the bubble is bigger,” Ron Paul added. “I think the debt is bigger. The demands are bigger, and people are way overconfident even though they’re getting worried — way overconfident that you can take your debt at $10 trillion and, in a few years, switch it to $30 trillion, and nothing changes.”

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