Friday on “MSNBC Reports,” Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) weighed in on Senate Republicans blocking a bill that would have protected people who traveled across state lines to have an abortion and the providers who assisted in the killing of the unborn child.

Escobar slammed lawmakers across the aisle, arguing that Republicans “want to control” women. She advised that the Democratic Party would “keep fighting” for women and their rights.

“I see this as the Republicans’ war on women,” Escobar lamented. “Remember, this is the political party that has not only tried to strip women of their right to abortion, their right to making a decision about their health, their future, their own well-being — that has now been taken away from women. But that is not enough for them, Jose. We saw with the case of the 10- year-old little girl who was brutally raped, who had to flee her state in order for her to have access to an abortion. We have Republicans who would force that little girl to give birth to a baby born out of a brutal rape.”

“We have Republicans who don’t care about abortion that is necessary to save the mother’s life,” she continued. “In fact, in Texas, the attorney general, Ken Paxton, is suing the Biden administration because the Biden administration is trying to protect women’s lives. Women, for Republicans, we are dispensable; we’re disposable. They want to control us. But I will tell you — there is one party, there is one party in America standing up for women, fighting for women, fighting for these babies once they are born with childcare, universal pre-K, paid family and medical leave — all of those things which Republicans vote against consistently. There is only one party in America that has America’s back, and it’s the Democratic Party. We are going to keep fighting.”

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