Monday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for remarks calling for “equity” in the distribution of hurricane relief resources.

The Florida governor called it “ridiculous” and “not appropriate.”

“I think she’s trying to play identity politics with a — with a storm and a natural disaster,” he said. “And I think it’s ridiculous. And, honestly, we had the FEMA administrator in Florida with us, and she threw cold water on that. So that is not going to happen. It’s totally not appropriate. You don’t have to politicize every single tragedy in this country.”

“And I think people, I tell you, in Florida are really sick of the nonsense,” DeSantis continued. “They just want people to be helped. They want everyone to band together. And they want us to get these communities back on our feet. So that’s what we’re doing in Florida. And, Sean, it’s also the impacts spanned all demographics, all income levels. Sanibel has some very wealthy people. They also have blue-collar people. You have other communities, different race, different ethnicities. Who cares? We just want to make sure people have a chance to get back off their feet and get moving forward again.”

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