Former Vice President Mike Pence predicted Wednesday on FNC’s “America Reports” that Republicans will win historic majorities in November’s midterm election.

Pence said, “Gasoline prices are high at the pump today not because of the war in Ukraine but because of Joe Biden’s war on energy. I think the reason in 20 days, you are going to see the American people take back the House, take back the Senate, take back statehouses around the country is because they know better. They know the pathway to American independence is unleash American energies, and we’ll have majorities to drive the policy and hope to force them back to common sense.”

He continued, “I think we are 20 days away from an historic victory for conservative values, for Republican candidates, and that’s going to be step one. We win back the Congress. We win statehouses across the country. Two years from now, win back America.”

Co-host John Roberts asked, “I have a sense of how you are going to answer, but no question, you have your eye set on 2024. When will you make the decision to pull the trigger?”

Pence said, “All of our focus for our family and team is entirely, as you suggest, on making sure we win strong majorities in the House and the Senate. After that, I’ve got a book coming out, travel the country, and then after the first of the year, we will take some time to pray and discern where we will serve next.”

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