Sunday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends Weekend,” network contributor and constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley rejected claims from Democrats and other left-leaning media mouthpieces for their hyperbolic rhetoric about the end of the democracy should Republicans win majorities on Tuesday.

Turley condemned the remarks from the various Democrat politicians and media pundits as “grotesque.”

“It is not justified. It is grotesque. It is deeply offensive for anyone who is familiar with our constitutional system. We have the most successful constitutional system in the history of the world. I mean, this is a system that has weathered every challenge. It is a constitution that was written for the worst of times, not the best of times. James Madison crafted this Constitution so we didn’t have to rely on the good motivations of our leaders that we had a system – checks and balances. It has weathered every storm, and that’s why this is so unsettling, this sort of crisis of faith. And it is coming from our leaders and our leading pundits, trying to tell American citizens that our constitutional system is about to collapse.”

“It’s really alarming, particularly when they cite January 6,” Turley continued. “The system worked on January 6. Everything was carried out according to the Constitution by the officials in charge. The courts ruled against former President Trump, including many of his own appointees. Now you can debate the merits back and forth about that election, but the system itself did not even skip a beat. It worked exactly the way it was intended. And that is the reason this borders on a type of defamation. You know, I’m OK with politicians doing hyperbole and reckless rhetoric but leave our Constitution out of it. It is the one functioning, working, moving part that we have despite the efforts of our leaders.”

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