Governor Ron DeSantis is poised to be the first Republican to win Miami-Dade County, FL in decades, which includes a heavy Hispanic-voting presence.

During an appearance on FNC’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” DeSantis discussed this potential outcome, saying that his success there was proof you did not need to “move left” on borders and amnesty to win the Hispanic vote.

“So I once saw Frank Luntz, who is a famous Republican pollster, tell Republican members of Congress that if they wanted to win Hispanic votes, they had to move left,” host Tucker Carlson said. “You’re saying you’ve won those votes by moving right.”

“Absolutely, and including on immigration,” DeSantis replied. “My first year, we banned sanctuary cities, and news media thought that that would be not approved down here. And yet, Hispanic voters in Florida had the highest approval rating for our policy to ban sanctuary cities. We did the transport to Martha’s Vineyard, and people thought that this was going to be so bad, and yet, Hispanic voters backed me on doing that because they understand the border is out of control.”

“So I think it’s on all of these issues, but clearly, the Republican establishment view that you need open borders and amnesty to appeal to Hispanic voters in the United States is dead wrong,” he added. “It was wrong then, and it has clearly been proven to be wrong now.”

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