Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Monday on CNN’s “The Situation Room” that Republicans were done with former president Donald Trump.

Anchor Wolf Blitzer said, “You just heard Jessica Dean lay out the response that’s trickling in from members of your own part. Are you satisfied with the level of condemnation by Republicans in the wake of Trump’s call to actually ‘terminate’ the U.S. Constitution?”

Kasich said, “Of course not, Wolf. You know what, every time he says stuff over the last four, five, six years, he would say things that I thought were so out of bounds, and somehow people would like it. Remember, John McCain wasn’t a hero because he got caught. I heard him say things like that, and I thought people would just walk away, and they didn’t. But now I think the circus is sort of leaving town. There’s probably still a few people going to the circus or want to go to the circus, but he’s just really — it’s just ridiculous.”

He added, “And I don’t know who could be advising him, but I can tell you he’s — whatever he’s thinking he’s gaining here, and then, of course, that dinner he had with the racist anti-Semite, it’s just one thing after another. So I think, as I say, I think the circus is leaving town, and people have about had enough.”

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