On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Live,” Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) reacted to the Twitter files releases by stating that big tech and law enforcement agencies “shouldn’t have their fingers on the scales of American political discourse,” and it’s “a good thing” if we get transparency that helps prevent those groups from tipping the scales.

Co-host Aishah Hasnie asked, “So, let’s start with Twitter and these Twitter files. We know that Republicans — House Republicans at least — are going to come in the next session here and hold a bunch of investigations and look into content suppression and they’re going to say, look, we told you so, right? We were talking about suppression all along and it was happening. So, where are Democrats, like yourself, going to stand when it comes to this?”

Auchincloss responded,”Big tech shouldn’t have their fingers on the scales of American political discourse, nor should law enforcement agencies. And if we bring sunlight into previously confidential conversations, that helps advance that shared value, that’s a good thing. If we’re going to spend two years with tawdry and irrelevant investigations into people’s laptops, then Republicans are going to have to explain to the American people how that helps lower costs.”

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