On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” FNC host, former prosecutor, and former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) stated that the indictment against former President Donald Trump contains “pretty good evidence of knowledge and intent.” But there’s also no question that Trump has been treated differently than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Gowdy said, “The President needs to take this seriously. The audiotape, that’s pretty good evidence of knowledge and intent. But I thought about two other cases when I was reading this indictment, Hillary Clinton obviously, because that served as kind of a motivation for President Trump and the way he handled it. And there’s no doubt the bureau treated him disparately. Keep in mind, Jim Comey made up his mind not to charge Hillary Clinton before he ever interviewed her. That is stunning. How can you make a false statement case when you make up your mind you’re not going to charge someone before you interview them? But Rich, the other case that I thought about, believe it or not, was O.J. Simpson, because remember, in O.J. Simpson, the jury concluded that the police framed a guilty man, but they were more upset with the police misconduct than they were a double murder. And I guarantee you, there are portions of our country right now that say, look, Mr. President, we wish you would have handled this whole thing differently, but you’re right the bureau and the department have been out to get you for about five years now. And I’ll be curious how the American jury, the court of public opinion weighs and balance[s] mishandling of classified information and obstruction with the abuses of the bureau and the department.”

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