On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said that because their agenda isn’t popular and the economy is “pretty good” under President Joe Biden, Republicans only have “culture war issues” like “their message” “on parents having a role in education” that won them the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election.

Himes stated, “Republicans understand that their fundamental policy core — even though there is maybe not one, other than defending Donald Trump — massive tax cuts for very wealthy people, which, remember, was the one, big legislative ‘achievement’ in the Trump administration — that that’s pretty unpopular, that their desire to cut Medicare and Social Security, pretty unpopular. Economy, pretty good under Joe Biden. And so, what they’re left with is the one real ammunition they’ve got, and that is the culture war issues. You know, in Virginia, they won a governor’s election because they got their message out on parents having a role in education. This takes you into the world of transgender rights, into drag queens, into women’s reproductive choice. It’s the one thing they’ve got. And what you see with Sen. Tuberville (R-AL) and the reason we may not get a National Defense Authorization Act passed, is because that’s all that they’ve got. And they’re going to put it front and center, even if it means that you’re creating risk for the FBI and not getting a military budget passed.”

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