On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” writer Andrew Sullivan stated that Democrats have completely contradicted their attempts to brand themselves as the defenders of democracy because they’ve tried for years to find “a get out of Trump free card” and “some gimmick, some deus ex machina that can get rid of him.”

Sullivan said, “It’s a very strange look to say we are fighting for democracy and therefore we will not let you vote for the person you might want to vote for. It’s completely contradictory. Secondly, the way you defeat Trump is the way you always could’ve defeated Trump, which is by going on the issues that he wins voters on, things like immigration, things like inflation, things like the sense that there is no control over the global economy in which people are suffering and losing their jobs and have no idea what the future is, that is how you beat Trump. They keep throwing lawsuits, the first thing they tried was this Russia stuff as a way to get a get out of Trump free card, let’s find some gimmick, some deus ex machina that can get rid of him. Let’s try the Russia hoax, let’s try this impeachment, let’s try that, let’s try and put him on a legal suit about paying off hush money to a porn star, then we’ve gone down to the fraud allegations in New York City. People are noticing this and what they’re saying is, one side seems to want to stop us having the choice we want, the other side doesn’t. And that is a terrible way for the Democrats to conduct themselves.”

He added, “The only way a country that’s divided can ever resolve its questions is to have an election with the candidates that both parties support, with no constraints, and have us actually decide who’s going to be president. That’s how we do it. That’s what a democracy is, there’s no way around that. There’s no legal suit to get rid of that.”

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