On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” writer Andrew Sullivan stated that we’ve made amazing progress on equality since the 1960s through freedom, free markets, and traditional liberal principles and shouldn’t completely mess it up with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and pushing “rigid quotas, attempting to make everything perfect, and, at the same time, toxifying our discourse, making people really angry.”

Sullivan said, “DEI is not about opening up opportunities. It is about systemically discriminating on the basis of race and sex.”

Later, MSNBC host and Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber asked Sullivan why he believes the current system has perfectly figured out meritocracy.

Sullivan responded, “Because we have civil rights laws since the ’60s, because we have made incredible progress through the free society, through the free market, through liberal principles in people becoming much more able and prominent in whole various fields. We should not f*ck it up now by imposing on these rigid quotas, attempting to make everything perfect, and, at the same time, toxifying our discourse, making people really angry. The one thing we know about DEI sessions, DEI programs is that they make people more racist. We’ve seen study after study showing this.”

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