On Sunday’s broadcast of “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Fox News, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) dismissed claims that the border crisis was a product of President Joe Biden being “incompetent,” as many have suggested.

Instead, Cruz argued the situation was intentional and was driving the increase in illegal immigration.

“It is a catastrophe on every level,” Cruz said. “It is a humanitarian disaster. It is a public health disaster. It is a public safety disaster. It’s a national security disaster. And you’re also right that this is deliberate. This is not caused by the fact that Joe Biden is incompetent, that Alejandro Mayorkas is negligent. This is the deliberate outcome they want. When Joe Biden became president, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years and he deliberately broke the system. He opened the border and the numbers immediately shot up, 9.6 million illegal immigrants have crossed into this country illegally.”

“And you use the word slavery, you’re exactly right, that’s what it is,” he continued. “You may recall the last time Alejandro Mayorkas testified in front of the Judiciary Committee, where I put up a poster board with a picture of colored wristbands, and I asked him a question I said, ‘Mr. Secretary, what are these colored wristbands?’ And you and I are both lawyers, as lawyers, we never ask a question we don’t know the answer to. I’ll tell you Mayorkas’ answer blew me away. He said, “I have no idea what those wristbands are. I’ve never seen them before.” And with complete shock, I said to him, I said, ‘Mr. Secretary, you have just told the American people, you are utterly incompetent at your job, and you don’t give a damn enough to even pretend.'”

Cruz said, “Why? Because just about every illegal alien that crosses this country is wearing one of these colored wristbands. They are color-coded for how many thousands of dollars they owe the cartels. If you stand on the banks of the Rio Grande River, you see hundreds of those wristbands laying in the grass and what happens? They turn themselves into the Border Patrol, and Joe Biden sends them to every city in America. And the teenage boys when they get there, they are working for the cartels. They’re committing crimes, they’re robbing cars, they’re robbing houses, they are mugging people because they have to pay back the money.”

“And even worse, Mark, the teenage girls, thousands upon thousands of them get trapped in sex slavery, where they have to pay off the cartels, and they can be trapped for years in forced prostitution,” he added. “These colored wristbands are quite literally modern-day leg irons, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the Washington Democrats — they do not care and they want this to continue.”

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