On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN NewsNight,” Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) said that conditioning aid to Israel will only “further empower Hamas.”

Host Jim Sciutto said, “[O]ne could make a reasonable argument that Hamas wants to drag out these negotiations because they’re enjoying seeing Israel isolated and seeing the suffering continue there.”

Gottheimer responded, “Of course, yeah. I think it’s a really important point.”

Gottheimer added, “I think all that conditioning aid does is, to your point, you said a minute ago, is empower Hamas and further empower Hamas. … And that just weakens the chance for peace, in my opinion. … [T]he key is making sure we get everyone back to the table. The president, sending letters to the Qataris and the Egyptians, urging quicker action, urging them to lean on Hamas, of course, the president, rightly, urging Prime Minister Netanyahu to stay at the table and make sure that they take real action. And I think that’s the key role that we play here, is making sure we get everyone at the table, get to this temporary pause, and, as you point out, to make sure, and I think it’s the right thing, you’ve got to hold all the parties accountable, but do so in a way that doesn’t abandon our key ally in favor of a foreign terrorist organization. And that — and let’s not lose sight of that and getting these Americans home.”

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