Shoppers at a clothing store in Tennessee confronted a suspected thief for stealing hundreds of dollars from a woman, and forced her to return the stolen money.

Shoppers at Rainbow in Frayser said they saw the woman try to steal money from fellow shopper Indria McNeal, WLOX reported.

When McNeal noticed she was robbed, she confronted the suspected thief while the other shoppers recorded the incident on their phones.

McNeal is the woman in the white shirt grabbing the other woman’s purse.

“Oh baby, you ain’t going no where,” McNeal said to the suspected thief.

One of the bystanders yelled, “If you got her money, just give it to her.”

“Ma’am can you just give the lady her money or you’re going to jail,” another bystander said.

McNeal was trying to buy jeans for herself and her daughter. When she went to the dressing room, she left her wallet on a table.  By the time she came back to retrieve her wallet, she noticed $606 was missing from her wallet, WLOX reported.

The suspected thief eventually returned the money to her and walked out the store.

McNeal has decided not to press charges against the woman, and Memphis police did not file a police report, according to WLOX.

The video of the confrontation reached almost 2 million views and was shared more than 41,000 times.