Small businesses will die if Minnesota’s shutdown does not end soon, a protester outside Gov. Tim Walz’s (D) residence in St. Paul said Friday.

“I’m here because my business is dying and Walz holds the key to get it all going again. I’m a chiropractor,” the woman told Breitbart News.

“All of my small business friends are affected. We’re either shut down or we’re down to 20 percent and we can’t go on the way it is right now. This will be the end of us,” she commented while holding a sign that read, “Small Business Is Dying You’re Holding the Noose.”

The chiropractor was just one of a group of Minnesotans who showed up outside the governor’s mansion to demand an end to the state’s stay-at-home order that was recently extended to May 4, according to Breitbart News.

When asked what she would tell the Democrat governor if given the chance, the woman said she would advise him to reopen the state for business.

“The state was built on the ability of small business to do what we do and support our nonprofits, support our friends, and to keep our communities strong. We don’t have the ability to do that right now,” she commented.

“We have no idea what the financial implications are of how this is going to affect us in the next weeks, months, or years,” the woman said, adding, “Many small businesses, many small businesses, will close.”

Monday, Walz said there was no debate about whether or not residents wanted to get the economy up and running again, according to the Associated Press (AP).

“We all want to open up tomorrow, but people will die if we do that without having things in place,” he commented.

However, the group that organized Friday’s “Liberate Minnesota” protest alleged that Walz was using the pandemic “to launch a full blown attack on the citizens of Minnesota, not to save lives, but to strip away and annihilate [our] freedoms.”

In a tweet Friday morning, President Trump appeared to urge the state to begin reopening its economy.

Thursday, the president announced new guidelines for reopening the nation following the peak of the health crisis, Breitbart News reported.

“We’re not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time,” he said, adding, “We’re starting our life again. We’re starting rejuvenation of our economy again in a safe and structured and a very responsible fashion.”