His Fraudulency Joe Biden caused inflation. Of course, he did. The charts embedded below — Trump vs. Biden — are not a coincidence. Joe Biden got into office and deliberately did three things to cause inflation. First, he flooded our economy with trillions and trillions of dollars. It was all fake money, and as we all know, the more you have of something, the less it’s worth. And so, the price of everything exploded to the highest levels in 41 years.

The second thing Biden did to cause inflation was doing nothing. For the better part of a year, he lied to us about how inflation was transitory when everyone knew it wasn’t.

Biden’s most crippling move was number three: he strangled what had been a thriving American energy sector under Trump. The more expensive energy is, the more expensive everything is. Why? Because energy is required to build, power, ship, and store everything.

What does this mean?

It means that in the same way Biden caused inflation, he could also cure inflation, or at least go a long way towards reducing it. All he has to do is lift his green jackboot off the neck of the American energy sector. This would bring down the cost of energy and, by extension, put a major dent in overall inflation, not just energy inflation.

But Biden won’t do that because he’s a left-wing extremist with no empathy.

Trust me, decent people who feel empathy for the working and middle class do not respond to four-dollar-a-gallon gas by telling those who are already struggling to go out and buy a $50,000 electric car — something Biden and his sociopathic White House have done more than once.

My overall point is to remember this: When Biden, the White House, Democrats, and the corporate media attempt to blame Biden’s lack of success at taming inflation on Russian President Vladimir Putin and the war in Ukraine and leprechauns and Trump and the malevolent dwarf Dr. Miguelito Loveless, they are all lying to you.

The truth is now, right now, right this very second, Biden could incentivize domestic energy production here in the U.S. and bring down inflation very quickly. Just the prospect of an administration less hostile towards domestic energy production would help in the short term. And that’s the other thing to keep in mind…

When the White House and fake media tell you that opening domestic energy production will take too long to make any real difference, that is also a lie. Trump proved that. Trump was pro-energy, and within a couple of years, we were paying $2.00 a gallon for gas.

Brandon doesn’t give a shit about you or your family. He could flood this country with cheap energy and chooses instead to flood this country with cheap illegal labor that softens your wages that already can’t keep up with inflation.

Joe Biden is a wicked man who would prefer to see you lose your home than offend the liars in the green movement.

Inflation is up 8.5 percent this year — a 41-year high. Did your wages go up 8.5 percent? No, they didn’t. You are losing ground under Biden, and he could not care less.

So don’t let anyone lie to you. Biden can do something to cure inflation but refuses.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.