The University of North Carolina is trying to evade a new state law which says people should use the single-sex bathroom that matches their original or changed birth certificate.

Margaret Spellings, the system president of the university, vowed that she would not enforce the new bathroom law in an affidavit that was presented as transgender activists sued the state over its new bathroom law, which is intended to protect sexual privacy.

“Pending a final [court] judgment in this case, I have no intent to exercise my authority to promulgate any guidelines or regulations that require that transgender students use the restrooms consistent with their biological sex,” Spellings said.

Spellings had recommended in April that the university support the state law, when she released instruction telling university officials to “designate and label multiple-occupancy bathrooms and changing facilities for single-sex use with signage.” Spellings served as Secretary of Education for President George. W. Bush.

North Carolina University reportedly already has a staggering 158 ‘gender-neutral’ toilets throughout its campus, installed before the introduction of the new law.

The lawsuit has been brought on by students and staff at the university who argue the new law is discriminatory. Both the university system and North Carolina Republican Governor Pat McCrory are named as defendants in the case.

The law, known as the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, or HB2, took effect on March 23 and intends to create “statewide consistency in regulation of employment and public accommodations.”

The law says people should use the single-sex bathroom matching their biological sex. But the law also says that people’s biological sex is whatever is marked on their birth certificates — and it allows people to change the sex on their birth certificate after they accept gender-reassignment surgery. So the law actually allows adults to use the bathrooms that matches their post-surgery sexual appearance, despite their scientifically unchangeable biological sex.

However, the right to change the birth certificate can’t be easily used by young adults, such as college students, because the medical process takes a few years.

Most media outlets fail to report that the North Carolina law does allow people to change their legal sex.

The state law was adopted after the city of Charlotte undermined people’s right to sexual privacy by allowing anyone who merely says they are transgender to use either male or female single-sex toilets. For example, the city does not require any measurable test of a man’s self-declared “gender identity” before he can legally use the women’s restrooms. Progressive advocates for transgenderism oppose any tests and describe them as “gender policing.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is also in the process of taking legal action against the state of North Carolina, declaring their intention to “fight in court for the trans folks who have been targeted relentlessly in North Carolina and for the entire LGBT community who is harmed by this regressive and discriminatory law.”

Also in response to the law, artists such as Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen and Ringo Starr have all cancelled concerts in protest of the law, whilst over 100 cooperations such as Deutsche Bank and PayPal have expressed their opposition to the law.

In general, the transgender ideology says government should require every American to validate every person’s choice of created “gender identity,” even though a man who wants to be a woman is still a man by every known scientific measure of evolutionary life. For example, an Oregon law recently allowed a jury to award $60,00 t0 a transgender teacher because other teachers declined to use the teacher’s preferred pronoun, which is “they” rather than “him” or “her.” New York City has also establish similar forced-speech rules.

The ideology’s claim that the state must enforce a new right to “gender identity” also means that the state must ignore and often dismantle many civic rules that evolved to help the two distinct sexes — men and boys, women and girls — meet their legally equal, but different and complementary, needs.  For example, the transgender ideological demand means that single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms must opened up to people of the opposite sex, regardless of age, and without any verification of “gender identity.”

As a result, it is now an offense in Washington State to ask a man in a woman’s bathroom if he thinks he is male or female. Similarly, President Barack Obama and gay advocacy groups have slammed the North Carolina law because it requires people to undergo medical procedures before they can use a bathroom reserved for the opposite sex.

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