The Allstate Foundation, a project of the Allstate Insurance Company, sponsors two different organizations that advance Critical Race Theory in American K-12 schools.

The Collaborative for Academic Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) is one of the organizations that receives financial support from the Allstate Foundation. Although the Allstate Foundation is a legally independent entity, it is a project of the Allstate insurance company and funding priorities are determined by trustees. 

The Allstate Foundation is listed on the CASEL’s website as a corporate sponsor, and again in the bottom right of the page where it reads “Our platform is made possible by” the Allstate Foundation. 

CASEL is also supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and several other non-profit entities. The organization seeks to embed Critical Race Theory and gender theory into K-12 schools across the country. 

Karen Niemi, the CEO of CASEL, wrote an article that explains the organization’s approach. Niemi writes that CASEL’s academic framework “pays attention to personal and social identities, cultural competency and collective action as part of SEL.” 

The organization’s “Transformative SEL” model is blatant in its attempt to embed the tenets of CRT into the classroom. One document reads “we recently offered the concept of transformative SEL to reflect our interest in making explicit issues such as power, privilege, prejudice, discrimination, social justice, empowerment, and self-determination.”

She goes on to say that “it also emphasizes the skills, knowledge and mindsets needed to examine prejudices and biases, evaluate social norms and systemic inequities, and promote community well-being.”

A webinar titled “SEL As a Lever for Equity and Social Justice” argues that a color-blind approach to race will only reproduce current inequities. 

Breitbart revealed that CASEL gave a platform to a radical organization called The Queer Mathematics Teacher which intends to embed gender theory into math curriculum for elementary school students. 

Brandie Waid, the director of The Queer Mathematics Teacher, suggests that teachers should teach Critical Race Theory and gender theory even when it is against the law in a blog post on CASEL’s website.

The Allstate Foundation also funds an organization called Facing Our History and Ourselves, which also furthers Critical Race Theory. The organization has promoted the 1619 Project, a core text of the CRT movement.

One article from Facing our History and Ourselves approvingly cited Critical Race Theorist Robin DiAngelo’s argument that “we need to understand that all people hold prejudices and white individuals in particular need to be able to talk about racism without becoming defensive.”

One lesson plan from the organization encourages students to “reflect on privilege and social power,” while one article promotes discussions of white privilege in a biology class. 

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at