California’s Sunnyvale School District consulted with an extreme leftwing organization that pushes Critical Race Theory and has set out to “decolonize education.”

Sunnyvale School District has worked alongside Quetzal Education Services, (QES) a leftwing education consulting group that advances Critical Race Theory. 

QES describes itself as a “Queer, Black, and Indigenous women-led education consulting firm” that exists to guide schools as they “make cultural and policy changes that reflect an antiracist climate, praxis, and pedagogy.”

QES, which is based in Oakland, California, explains one of their goals is “To empower BIPOC communities to decolonize education.” 

“We are interested in partnering with educational institutions committed to dismantling oppression and creating new possibilities for liberation in education,” QES states.

One contract from Sunnyvale School District noted that they would pay QES a sum of money “not to exceed $39,000” in exchange for multiple courses on “antiracism.”

The organization’s name is rooted in Mayan mythology. Their website explains “We named our firm after the quetzal, a majestic bird, one of the most beautiful in the world. It also elaborates “Maya tradition holds that the quetzal stopped singing once the land was colonized and will sing again only when the land is free.”

“We see the quetzal as a symbol of freedom and a stance against colonization and for the liberation of Black & Indigenous peoples,” they also note.

QES is even too extreme for the diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) agenda which they claim centers “whiteness.” 

Instead, their website says “We are abolitionists and antiracist practitioners” and argues “Diversity, inclusion, and tolerance fail to provide the empowering education we seek for Black and Brown youth & our communities because those efforts continue to center whiteness.”

Breitbart News previously reported board members of Sunnyvale School District took a “white ally” test that was rooted in the core tenets of Critical Race Theory. 

Meanwhile, it was revealed that Hayward Unified School District, which is also located in California’s Bay Area, paid $57,000 to a group called “Woke Kindergarten” to “disrupt whiteness.” In addition, the school also paid Quetzal Education Consulting $23,000 to help “disrupt white fragility” and embed Critical Race Theory into math classes.

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at