A former school employee in Las Vegas, Nevada, allegedly had a sexual relationship with a former student for several years after they began messaging on social media.

The suspect is identified as Kaitlin Glover, 34, who used to work at Mountain View Christian School, Fox News reported Monday.

An image shows Glover, who was the private school’s athletics and student leadership director:

The charges against her include felony lewdness with a child, along with charges of being a school employee in a position of authority while having sex with a student over sixteen years of age.

On its website, the private school district proclaims: “Mountain View Christian Schools have a fully integrated leadership philosophy rooted in the TRUTH of God’s Word.”

In June 2022, the student claimed to have had sexual contact with her teacher, identified as Glover, law enforcement said.

“The two were in a sexual relationship between December 2017 and September 2021, the student allegedly told police, after the two started messaging on the social media app Snapchat,” the Fox report stated.

Glover also allegedly messaged the student naked photos and picked her up to perform sexual acts while inside the woman’s vehicle on different occasions.

However, “The victim did not tell anyone about their relationship for four years because the suspect said she would kill herself if the victim left her, or she would kill herself if she told the police.”

According to the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN), perpetrators of child sexual abuse are normally someone the victim or their family knows.

“A perpetrator does not have to be an adult to harm a child. They can have any relationship to the child, including an older sibling or playmate, family member, a teacher, a coach or instructor, a caretaker, or the parent of another child,” the organization’s website reads.

“Abusers can manipulate victims to stay quiet about the sexual abuse using a number of different tactics,” the site adds.

The student involved in the case reportedly graduated in 2021.

The school’s lawyer, Mark Cook, noted a relative recently informed school officials about the allegations.

The suspect has not been employed by the school since the allegations came to light.

Breitbart News reported Sunday an elderly former teacher was convicted of sexually assaulting a young teenage male student several times at a private school in Tomah, Wisconsin, in the campus basement.

“The assaults reportedly happened during the 2016-2017 school year when the woman was 67 and the student 14,” the outlet said.