Some quick thoughts on the snoozefest known as the Golden Globes:

The big question, of course, is always how the Globes will affect the Oscar voters. My guess – somewhere ranging from “not at all,” to “completely and utterly.” And I’m kind of an expert on these things, so you can quote me on that.

There was pretty much no political posturing, except for Laura Dern, who bless her heart just couldn’t help herself. Dern of course won Best Supporting Actress for the HBO film Republicans Bad, Democrats Good. Or some such.

Kate Winslet winning two acting awards is pretty damn impressive, if you’re the kind of person who finds that sort of thing impressive. If you’re not, you probably weren’t impressed at all.

Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle looks an awful lot like Bradley Whitford as Danny Tripp in Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip. (Other than the five of you who actually watched Studio 60, you’ll have to google to see just how dead on I am here.) (Sorry, the four of you. I’m actually the fifth.)

After American Beauty and Revolutionary Road, I think it’s fair to ask: what the hell did the suburbs ever do to Sam Mendes?

Shouldn’t Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull disqualify Steven Spielberg from receiving any lifetime achievement awards for awhile?

Ricky Gervais should be hosting every awards show Hollywood produces.

How much hell to pay will there be for The Wrestler director Darren Aronofsky flipping off Mickey Rourke? And I guess we’re now saying “balls” on network prime time television!

It was nice to see Mickey Rourke win Best Actor. Which I guess was the whole point of giving him the award.

Colin Farrell was a jittery winner. Question of the day: nerves, or meth?

Farrell also said – with all the fake modesty he could muster – that the votes must have been counted in Florida. Nothing like an eight-year-old callback!

And lastly: For this I missed 24?