Tom Hanks may be one of the best actors in history, but the real Tom Hanks is an entirely different man altogether. He made headlines today calling Mormons “un-American” because they actively supported Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

Although this statement may make perfect sense to Hanks, the reality of the matter is that amending a constitution is perfectly American. What’s un-American is legislating from the bench – liberal judges forcing their personal views on the rest of us, as those did who overruled a law banning gay marriage also supported by a majority of Californians.

It is “un-American” to refuse to debate an issue and, instead, to vilify and demonize the other side. Furthermore, it is also distinctly “un-American” for Hanks to call those who dare disagree “un-American.” Lastly, it is even more “un-American” to single out a specific group solely because of their religious views.

Why isn’t Hanks calling African Americans, who voted in large numbers for Prop. 8, “un-American?” Why isn’t Hanks taking aim at Hispanics who also voted against legalizing gay marriage? Is it, perhaps, because liberals like Mr. Hanks only dare attack easy victims like white men, white Christians and white Mormons?