Good news for anyone connected to President Obama: Hollywood may soon be calling.

That’s right, not just the rich, famous or politically connected; but your average, everyday working person with some sort of connection to the newly installed First Family could very well be on their way to big-time celebrity.

Because according to The Hollywood Reporter, a company called, ’44 Blue Productions’ is pitching a reality show to cable networks, starring one Johnny Wright — who has been Michelle Obama’s hairstylist for the past year. I figure this is good news for lots of folks.

For instance, when Tony Rezko is released, he could get his own series. It could be one of those improv shows, called “Who’s Land is it Anyway?” It could be on Fox, right after, “Prison Break.”

And who wouldn’t watch “Blast or No Blast?” with Bill Ayers? One of those hot models opens the wrong briefcase and BAM! Big ratings, but so much for the live audience, eh?

On Thursday nights though, families across the nation would be huddled around the television, because no way are they missing the best show of all: It’s “America’s Next Top Bigot,” starring The Reverend Jeremiah Wright Junior. Contestants spew hatred, bad-mouth the US and then everyone pretends they don’t know who the hell they’ve been hanging out with for 20 years. The winner gets a tax cut, but really – who cares – 95% of us are getting one anyway…