The far-left are experts at placing people into boxes like a Microsoft spread sheet based on their sexual preference, skin color, religion or world views. And because of that, they are unable to see us as “All One.” The moment we do become “All One,” the game is over and their voting block is gone. These are people who, the moment you disagree with them on anything that has to do with one of their chosen imprisoned spreadsheet groups, call you a racist. People with this confined view wake up every morning looking for something in their day to offend them. Well, if you start your day out with that premise; guess what, you’ll find something offensive in your day.

Al Sharpton has made a rich living for decades waking up every morning and asking himself, “What’s offensive today that I can make a buck on?” Today what he found was a NY Post cartoon lampooning that crazy killer monkey from Stamford, Conn. A cartoon that was clearly comparing the act of creating an out of control stimulus package by a bunch of crazed politicians too busy playing with their poo to read the bill, to that of an escaped chimp terrorizing the citizens of its community and biting the hands that fed it.

I can see it now, Al rolling out of his goose down bed, thumbing through the local rags looking for a paycheck in the form of something he deems offensive. Well, he found it, and here’s what he saw in it from the spreadsheet box he’s lived his whole life in: Civil rights activist Al Sharpton called the cartoon “troubling at best given the historic racist attacks of African-Americans as being synonymous with monkeys.”

I don’t know about you, but when I see people who happen to be black, I don’t see what Al Sharpton sees. I usually see just another guy walking past me or seated in the car next to me. But then again, I’m not in the race baiting business like Al.

They always call him a Civil Rights Activist, huh? You’ve got to be kidding me. Remember Tawana Brawley and the innocent people she destroyed with the help of Al Sharpton? Well I lived through it in New York at the time and it was sad and criminal on Al’s part. And only a man who lives his life in the box his party has placed him in and with a resume like his could ever be treated seriously in a run for president. As a white male if I had my hand in some of the shit he’s spread around, I wouldn’t be given a chance at running for dog catcher.