I haven’t looked around the internet to see what sort of drinking games have been invented for the Academy Awards tonight but I imagine if the game involves taking a drink upon praise for Barack Obama or relief that George W. Bush is no longer President then anyone playing should be pretty wasted by the end of the show. Then again, even if you don’t drink a thing you should be pretty wasted from exhaustion from what always proves to be exceedingly boring and self-congratulatory, yet somehow, must-see television.

While you should hear Barack Obama’s name more than once tonight, here are a few things you probably won’t hear spoken:

I digress. Tonight is the night that we celebrate the uniquely American invention of Hollywood–and all the American values that Hollywood embodies, such as drug overdoses, extravagantly overpriced clothes, and completely green-friendly entourages.

Here are some preliminary predictions:

I will be posting more throughout the evening. Thanks for reading.

-Brett Joshpe, www.brettjoshpe.com