Today is the first Monday of Spring, the season that inspires fresh hope, renewed energy, and thoughts of new beginnings. And so it is appropriate that today a colleague and I have launched Parcbench, a pop-culture and lifestyle brand whose central feature is an online daily magazine at

Parcbench does not profess to be like most other publications, although we have derived much inspiration from Big Hollywood and its founder, Andrew Breitbart, who has agreed to join our Board of Advisors. And we believe that we share a common mission. Specifically, we strive to bring people pop-culture that reflects mainstream America.

While we intend to deliver a fair share of policy and political coverage as well, we will focus on the culture that makes our nation the richest and most diversified in the world. We will do it not just through but in person, in your town, on your college campus, and without the liberal spin that one finds in virtually every other cultural media outlet.

Our magazine will feature stories on current events, television, music, celebrities, movies, fashion, style, art, architecture, health, food, books, sports, and the military. We aspire to promote a brand that explores everything and cultivates a following that is intensely curious and patriotic.

Most importantly, Parcbench is beholden to no one. We owe no allegiance to any corporations or politicians. We will tell it like it is, including who and what is threatening America, and who and what is preserving it. And we will do it with your help. Because we believe that Parcbench is fundamentally a grassroots American experiment.

Although we live in tumultuous times, we believe that hope is not a new feature of the American landscape, but a fundamental part of our ethos. Parcbench will reflect that hope, optimism, love of country, and American sense of entrepreneurship. And best of all, Parcbench will be fun, something that is all too easy to forget these days.

Brett Joshpe is co-author of the book Why You’re Wrong About the Right: Behind the Myths: The Surprising Truth About Conservatives (Simon & Schuster). He graduated from Harvard Law School and is currently General Counsel of The American Civics Exchange.